Are you surrounded by data, systems, staff and more … but starved for clarity and insights?

No matter how good your company is at data-based marketing, there is always room for improvement!

We are the right partner for you if:
  • You are feeling pressured by today’s economy, and need to squeeze more revenue and profit from your marketing and sales programs.
  • You recognize that your company is not systematically data-driven, and are looking for assistance in getting there.
  • You need a second opinion — a "reality check" — about your data-based marketing efforts; and, especially, how far they are from best-practices.
  • You want to implement a rigorous analytical structure around all of your thought-processes.
  • You recognize the need to avoid decision-making biases that are driven by logical fallacies, including the misinterpretation of analytical findings.
  • You are a private equity group that wants to grow revenue across your holdings faster and more cost-effectively.

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For direct messages, email:
Paul Tarnoff, Director of Marketing for Data Animated
paul [dot] tarnoff [at] wheatongroup [dot] com
“Wheaton Group are likeable, enjoyable, unpretentious people who are easy to work with ... all in all, they have a real passion for what they do and a deep knowledge of database marketing. It has been a wonderful relationship.”
— Tim Blair, (Former) Chief Operating Officer, The Parable Group
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